Encouraging and Refuting Others
Scripture: Titus 1: [9] He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Observation: This verse is telling me I must believe everything in the Bible before I can help others. Everything is God Breathed and is true. I need to use this truth to encourage others and grow them closer to God ands also use these truths to refute those who lie and try to draw others away from God.
Application: To know the Word better. To continue to read each day, but to start to go deeper, in meditation and studying so the Word is in me and available anytime I need it. I have a job to do and unless I understand what it is I’m suppose to be doing and have the proper tolls and training I will not be able to accomplish my job in the manner it should be carried out in.
Prayer: Dear Lord speak to me and guide me through your word. Give me the discipline to study and retain your thoughts and commands that I may use it to bring others to you and correct those that may be lost or confused.