To Be Obedient to Those In Charge
Scripture: Titus 3:1 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good.
Observation: I need to remind myself at times that I’m not in charge, but the ones God has put over me. At times my pride gets the best of me and I feel the gifts and talents God has given me makes me better than those that are my boss. I’ll criticize and make light of them to raise myself up instead of humbling myself to their authority.
Application: To realize God put these people over me and if I want to be obedient to God I must be obedient to them and that is the only way God will bless me and what I do. I must humble myself to their authority as if I would be humbling myself before my Lord. Jesus called me to serve, not to be served, to humble myself and not lift myself up. To support and help those that are in authority of me is honoring God.
Prayer: Dear Lord guide this servant to be the man you call me to be. To serve those you put over me and show you how I may serve you. May I use the gifts and talents you have given me to honor you and be a light in this world.