Jesus is Able to Help
Scripture: Hebrews 2:[18] Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Observation: I’m always tempted whether to do something I shouldn’t or do nothing at all. Several times I’ve been tempted to give up all together. My mind is constantly going and in most cases going in the wrong direction. I get so busy in my thoughts I don’t stop to give them to the only one that could truly help me, Jesus, and ask for his direction.
Application: To be silent and ask for God’s help and direction in my life. To find out what he wants and not to give in to the temptations that face me each day. To know not only can God get me out of the pit I’m in , but that he wants to and is only waiting until I ask him to.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m helpless without you and I need you to guide me and tell me what you want from me. I need your help to stay away from temptation and to live a life pleasing to you. Take charge this day and calm my spirit that I may see want you desire.