My Lord is Perfect Forever
Scripture: Hebrews 7: [28] For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.
Observation: I can testify about man being weak. I experience it more each day, that there is no man on earth that is strong enough to manage the affairs of God or man. Only Jesus living in our hearts can guide us through this life and into eternal life with God the Father.
Application: To submit myself fully to Jesus deity and power over my life. To obey God with all of my heart with his purposes as my objective to accomplish and not my own. To tell others of my high priest and first love so they may be guided by his power and love.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me please see your desires for my life. I seem to get a little more lost when I focus on the things around me instead of you. Purpose in my heart the things of you and guide me through this day and the rest of my life that I may glorify you.