Increasing Our Love for Each Other
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as our does for you.
Observation: I need to ask the Lord to make my love stronger for others since I have such a difficult time doing it on my own. I seem to always look at my own needs and how people affect my feelings instead of just loving them for who they are. There is nothing I can do apart from God. I need Him for all that I do and need his help to love others the way he commands me to love others.
Application: To give it to God and ask for his help each day and his strength. If God can love me after all I have done to him I surely can love his children. I need to look at others as his creation and children that He loves.
Prayer: Dear God give me the ability to love others the way you desire me to love. May I please you the way I care for your children as you have cared for me. I love you Lord.