I Lack Wisdom
Scripture: James 1: [5] If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
Observation: That is what I truly lack is wisdom, wisdom to make the right decisions. I always seem to be in a hurry and making the easiest decision without asking God for guidance. I have the knowledge God has given me but I don’t use it wisely at times.
Application: Before making any decision I need to pray and ask for God’s guidance. To take my time and not be in such a hurry and make sure the decision is biblical and God honoring.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me wisdom so I may live a life honoring you. There are so many things happening to me and I know you have one path that I should follow so please give me the wisdom to do what is right that I may honor you.