Live Holy and Godly Lives
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives
Observation: Am I living a holy and Godly life? I can only do that by living the life God wants me to live which means to die of self, but that’s not how I live most of the time. I have my moments when I know I honor God, but they are two few and far between. To live the life I’m called to live my focus is to live each moment for God in a way that honors him.
Application: The only way I can live a Godly life is to allow God to live through me. To be in prayer and ask myself before I do anything, am I honoring God by this choice, is this what God wants me to do. At the end of the day in prayer I’ll know if I honored God, when I feel his embrace and hear the words I want to hear, well done good and faithful servant.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m a sinner and I know it and only by your mercy and grace am I saved and only by you can I live a holy life pleasing to you. Take charge of this servant. I freely give you this life, take it and create in it something pleasing to you.