Loving By Action
Scripture: 1 John 3: [18] Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
Observation: That’s me all mouth at times. I talk a good game but when it comes to putting my faith into action I fall short. It’s so much easier to have pity on someone than to actually help them. I value my own comfort to highly to jeopardize it for someone else. How sad this must make God, since I only have what I have because of him and he only asks me to share what he has given me.
Application: To realize whatever I have is a gift from God and the reason He gave it to me is to give it to someone else. He asks me to test him in my giving and trust in him that he will always take care of me, as he has done. Go beyond my comfort zone and give from the spirit he has given me, to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Prayer: Dear Lord take this selfishness away from me and give me a giving heart. May your love show through by what I give and do for others. You are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience.