Loving God
Scripture: 1 John 5:[3] This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,
Observation: I don’t seem to be very good at obeying commands of God lately. He calls me to be patient, loving, caring and trusting, I don’t think a day has gone by lately that I can say I obeyed even one of those. So does this mean I don’t love God, it breaks my heart to think that way, but I know I don’t love him the way I’m supposed to because I’m not obedient.
Application: Remember love is not just a feeling but a commitment, a deliberate action. I need to be obedient to my Father, he deserves it and without it I can’t show my true love for him. This life is not about me, it’s about God and he deserves my very best, not my leftovers.
Prayer: Dear Father you are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience. Forgive me for giving you anything less.