Inviting Jesus to Dinner
Scripture: Revelations 3:[20] Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
Observation: Jesus is right there just on the other side of the door knocking. Why don’t I hear him? The distractions in my mind and heart are so loud I can’t seem to hear him. If only I could be quiet and hear the knocking I can have dinner with my savior. A banquet of love.
Application: To spend more time in meditation and thinking of God. To listen for the knocking and to be ready to open the door when I hear it. Wait to eat until he comes in.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me hear you at the door. Make me aware of your presence and your desire to be with me and increase my desire to spend more time with you.