Worship & Serve God Alone
Scripture: Matthew 4:10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ ”
Observation: Whenever I give in to a temptation, whenever I disobey God or whenever I hurt another person I’m serving Satan. I have one God, one Lord and one master my God and I’m called to live a life in obedience to him only.
Application: Everything I do is either obeying God or sinning. Each action has a consequence. I need to put forth more thought in what I’m doing and why. Am I honoring God or not should always be the question I ask before doing anything. To live a life in obedience to my heavenly Father should always be what I’m striving for.
Prayer: Dear Father I’m here to serve and worship you only. Help me through each day and tell me what you want me to do. At the end of each day may I have brought a smile to your face and have demonstrated my love for you.