Let Me Tell You What The Lord Has Done
Scripture: Mark 5:[19] Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”
Observation: That is what the Lord is telling me to do, to tell others what He has done for me and the mercy he shows me. God came and healed me of my depression and that is my testimony.
Application: I’m to use that testimony to bring others to him. To tell others he extends that same mercy to them if only they will believe. Use the gifts and talents God has given me to put myself in a position where I can speak to others about my loving and caring God.
Prayer: Dear Lord guide me on how to tell others about all that you have done for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to boldly proclaim your love and grace so others may come to you.