What Comes Out
Scripture: Mark 7:[15] Nothing outside a man can make him `unclean’ by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him `unclean.’ ”
Observation: So many things that I say or actions I take that make me unclean. When I gossip about others, get angry or sins I commit. Things that I do that do not honor God that others see makes me unclean.
Application: Think before I do or say anything. I’m here as a representative of God to show others the way. I need to make sure it’s the right way and not my way. Pray before taking an action or speaking to someone. Make sure it will lift God or someone up and not myself.
Prayer: Dear Father you deserve my best, all that I have and am. I can’t do it without you. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and teach me how to be clean before you.