Where Is My Treasure?
Scripture: Luke 12:[34] For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Observation: What do I treasure? I think a lot of our new home we will be moving in and the remodeling. I think of cars and about our finances. I have a difficult time giving money away and I’m obsessed about the money we owe.
Application: It’s time to change my heart. The only thing that should matter is what God desires of me. I should be more concerned about what God wants me to give away instead of what I’m suppose to get. I should be consumed about the kingdom of God and not this world. To draw closer to God that should be what I treasure above all.
Prayer: Dear Father I’m a selfish man and always have been. Help me from this bondage and soften my heart to be the man you call me to be. Show me how to honor you with this life you have given me. I do love you show me how to live this life to prove it.