Saving the Best for Now
Scripture: John 2:[10] and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
Observation: My life was so empty before I received Jesus as my Lord and savior. My life seems to get better as I get older and grow closer to God. Jesus saved the best till last and I pray it even gets better. God has enriched my life and as given me purpose as my eyes continue to open up to his desires.
Application: To continue to follow my Lord and Savior and draw nearer to him. To make this life the best it can by being who God calls me to be. Read each day, pray, write and serve so I don’t miss anything God has in store for me.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for saving the best for last. I’m excited to see what is yet to come. Show me how to be obedient of your commands that I may enjoy all you have in store for me.