I’m Not of the World
Scripture: John 17: [16] They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.
Observation: I am not supposed to be of this world but different. My focus should be of the things of God and not the pleasures of this world, but too often I’m wrapped up in this world. I’m to be forgiving and giving yet I’m so selfish, more concerned about what I want instead of what God wants of me.
Application: God calls me to be different to stand out and stand up for Him. To draw others near to Him and not to blend in to the crowds of this world. I am to be a new creation in Christ and go about my Father’s business of bringing others into the Kingdom and to honor my Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart and open my eyes to the desires of your heart. Make me different, a servant for you. Open my eyes and guide me on what to do and who to be. Get me out of this world and into your arms.