I Want to Be Righteous
Scripture: Acts 2:[13] For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
Observation: Obeying God is a problem I have from time to time. He asks very little from me yet I seem to have much more time for what I want to do then for what He wants of me. I finally was obedient yesterday as He asked me to do a prayer table at the pier, almost a year later.
Application: I need to be more obedient when God calls. I need to search out God’s will for my life and not wait and hope He doesn’t call me. I should be standing out in front desiring to please God and stop trying to please myself.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive your servant and that is what I should be. Asking each day how to serve you and please you. Help me be obedient to you each day and take this laziness from my spirit.