Depending on Weakness
Scripture: 2Corinthians 11:30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
Observation: Lately I’ve been building myself up, depending on my skills at work and talking more lowly about my supervisors and clients. I feel I’ve been doing my job for a long time and have so much knowledge why should I listen to them? Perhaps that is why God has me here to humble me and for me to realize all I have, including my skills and knowledge come from Him. I pray each day that God will open a door for a new job, but maybe I haven’t learned what God is trying to show me that I’m not strong at work, but weak and need Him.
Application: I need to admit I’m weak in all things. If I feel I’m strong in something I need to realize where that strength comes from. I need to avoid my pride and depend on God to get me through and then listen to the lesson He is teaching me.
Prayer: Dear Father, your child is disobedient at times and I need to feel your embrace and correction so that I may live this life in glory and honor to you.