Do I Belong to Christ?
Scripture: Galatians 5 [24] Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
Observation: Sometimes I wonder if I belong. I still have some of my sinful desires and a day doesn’t pass without me falling into something sinful. I worry each day and fall into sinful thoughts and instead of loving others I think of negative things instead of looking for the good.
Application: I need to belong to Jesus and I need to live a life that proves it to others. I need to look at others with the love of Christ and turn to Him every time my mind wanders. Need to keep my pride in check by realizing everything that I have and am comes from God.
Prayer: Dear Lord hold me tight and open my eyes to the man you want me to be. I need to belong to you , my Lord, my God and my Master.