God’s Good Pleasure
Scripture: Ephesians 1: [9] And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,
Observation: I keep praying to know God’s will and I to know what He desires of me. It’s written in His Word what He expects of me and just choose not to do it most of the time. I know I’m supposed to become more like Jesus, loving others, spreading the gospel and keeping His commands, but not until I read this verse it’s for His good pleasure. God is blessed when I do what I was created to do.
Application: To make it a point each day to do something that brings God pleasure. To live this life He has given me each day to bring a smile to His face.
Prayer: Dear Lord guide me to do what honors you. Show me how to please you and bring you joy in what I do today. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me through each day.