I’m God’s Workmanship
Scripture: Ephesians 2:[10] For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Observation: I keep putting myself down, not realizing I’m God’s workmanship. God created me then gave me talents and gifts to fulfill a purpose. He has set me up to do good works, He has a plan for me. Unfortunately He doesn’t force me to do anything, but out of love for Him I should be doing these good works.
Application: Realize who I belong to and hat I was created by a perfect God who loves me and desires to bless me. I have a purpose and I need to get off my butt and start fulfilling that purpose each day and to make a decision to do good works for His glory.
Prayer: Dear Father show me the good works you desire of me that You prepared in advance for me to do. Don’t let me fail, but guide me each day to glorify You.