Grasping the Love of Jesus
Scripture: Ephesians 3:[18] may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
Observation: If I understood the depth of Jesus’ love I would not worry or be anxious. I wouldn’t think about the future and how I should handle situations, but depend on the love of Christ to get me through. I would have the motivation I need to fulfill the purpose God has given me and do good works to His glory.
Application: I should start each day after prayer to realize what Jesus has done for me to be where I am. I need to let it sink in that He gave everything so that I might be able to be with Him one day for all eternity. I need to live my life with the love Jesus has for me and to share that love with others.
Prayer: Dear Lord I know You love me and you have proven that love over and over again. Guide me each day to share that love with others and to show you how much I love you.