He Gave Himself for Me
Scripture: Titus 2: [14] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
Observation: I don’t think of what Jesus did for me often enough. I don’t ponder His sacrifice to the point it makes me cry. Jesus gave himself for me and suffered and unbelievable death so that I may be saved. He redeemed me from sin and calls me His own and all He desires is that I do good, that I bear good fruit and touch the lives of others for Him.
Application: When I pray each day I need to realize who I’m praying to and what had to happen that I may do that. To realize what a privilege I have to come to the throne of God. My desire each day should be to do good, to be eager to please my Lord. I want others to see Jesus through my life and smile.
Prayer: My Lord I can’t thank you enough for your sacrifice and even though I don’t understand your unbelievable love I want you to know how much I appreciate it. Show me how to honor you and do to the things that will please you.