Not to All Men!
Scripture: Titus 3:[2] to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
Observation: I’ve been dreading meeting up with my two brother-in-law’s this coming Wednesday. I don’t care for them and especially the way they treat my wife. Any thought I have of them are negative to say the least. I pray for them each day but it is far from being heartfelt and most of the time I feel they deserve to be in hell when they die, then I forget so do I.
Application: I need to put my feelings aside and do what God wants me to do. He commands me to love others and to even put their needs above mine. I’m only still here because God desires me to be and I know I have a purpose to fulfill and who knows these two men might be it.
Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart that I might treat these two men as well as you have treated me. Bless this coming Wednesday and fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may only speak out of love and not of the horrible feelings I have.