Having a Full Understanding
Scripture: Philemon [6] I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Observation: I realize my understanding also grows when I’m sharing my faith or serving in Jesus name. My eyes are open at those times to more of what God has blessed me with and those are the times I grow closer to Him. My mind is so occupied with thoughts of worry and of this world I don’t realize my blessings, but when I tell others about His great love for us my thought steers to all He has done for me.
Application: I need to set aside the things of this world and lay my burdens down at the foot of the cross. I need to spend more time with my Lord by serving others in His name and telling others of His great love for us. I need to be with my Lord more than just when I’m praying to Him, but as I share my faith and serve others out of love for my Master.
Prayer: Dear Lord I want to be with you all day long. I want to meditate on your goodness and the joy that comes from only you would overflow in my heart and spill out onto others.