Help Me Through My Temptations
Scripture: Hebrews 2: [18] Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Observation: I am tempted every day to either do something wrong or not do anything at all. The trouble is too often I give in to those temptations. My thoughts typically are negative and I find myself justifying wrong actions. If I catch myself I turn to my Lord for direction knowing if I give into my temptations I’m serving Satan and not my Father.
Application: I need to turn to Jesus as soon as the temptation shows itself. It’s not wrong to be tempted, but when I give in then I sin against God. I need to stop listening to my justifications and start depending on God’s word to give me direction.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me discernment on what is right and wrong and that I will turn to you for guidance to avoid these temptations. Show me how to be triumphant in this battle of my mind.