Distinguishing from Good and Evil
Scripture: Hebrews 5:[14] But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.
Observation: I thought it interesting the fact they trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. You would think you would know, but not in this world. I think we deceive ourselves because we don’t want to know the difference or want to justify what we want. We need the solid food, God’s word, to know right from wrong. We live in a world where killing children is okay, homosexuality is the new trend, lying is the way to get ahead and we keep God out of everything.
Application: I need to look at my life at all times to make sure I don’t get trapped in not being sure what is good and evil. I can’t conform to this world I have a Master and He has given me His instructions and the way He wants me to live this life He has given me. I need to stay in His instruction manual for my life.
Prayer: My Lord help me strive to do good all the time. Stir me away from doing anything that would displease you and draw me near to you.