I Need to Stop Being Lazy
Scripture: Hebrews 6:[12] We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Observation: I know I’m lazy and I ask God in prayer to take this laziness away. It is so easy to do nothing and when I finally get off my butt and do something it seems like such a big struggle because I’m used to doing nothing. But when I do finally make a commitment to do something that honors God He gives me the strength to accomplish it and then after all my moaning and complaining He still blesses me.
Application: I’m here for a purpose and that purpose isn’t to delight in myself. It’s not to lay around and rest and take care of only my needs, but to fulfill the purpose God has created me for. My time is getting shorter and I’m still here to serve. I need to take a sip of the ultimate energy drink the living water and get off the couch and serve others in Jesus name.
Prayer: Help me Jesus, if it is up to me I would do nothing to further your kingdom. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and get me busy fulfilling the purpose you have created me for, so when I get home I could say mission accomplished in your name.