Knowing the Lord
Scripture: Hebrews 8: 11 No longer will a man teach his neighbor,
or a man his brother, saying, `Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest.
Observation: I feel I know the Lord. I study His word and how He has and is working in my life. I know what He wants of me most of the time so I have no excuse when I don’t do it, which unfortunately is too often. God makes it clear that I need to bear fruit but He could starve with the fruit I have produced for Him, He ask me to love which I do very sparingly and He ask that I put Him first, which is where He belongs, but that’s not so either. I can’t play ignorant to my Lord I must plead guilty of disobedience.
Application: I know when I stray and when I’m not obeying. I need to stay the course with my God and bear fruit, abundant fruit that He and the angels may have a banquet on the harvest. I know who my God is enough to know when I’m obedient or not and it’s time for me to be obedient always.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for being such a sinner and not turning from my sinful ways. I want to be the man you deserve me to me, help me honor you with this life and to finish this race in glory and honor to You,.