In The Beginning
Scripture: Hebrews 1:10 He also says,
“In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Observation: I’ve been watching Kent Hovand, a creationist. I’ve been intrigued listening to what He has to say and his theories on how the world began. He shows through science, how the Bible account is accurate without variation. That Jesus was there at the beginning creating the world alongside God the Father. He also shows how evolution is impossible yet that is what is taught in our schools instead of creation.
Application: I feel a burden on my heart about the children being taught the unbelievable myth as if it is fact. I need to seize the opportunity to help change what is being taught to our children even if it’s one at a time. I need to pray for guidance on what part God wants me to play in showing others that this is His creation.
Prayer: Dear Lord I know you have created everything and without you there is and was nothing. Show me how to speak boldly of You and your creation and direct others to you.