I Want to Be Noble for My Master
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2 [21] If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
Observation: If I would stay away from sin and put God first in my life I could be used by Him to do great things. Why is it so hard to stay away from selfishness after all God has done for me? Why can’t I put God desires above my own where they belong? Today I may have a chance to witness to someone who has invited us over for dinner at his home, but we don’t want to go I want to have this time for myself instead of using it to do something noble.
Application: I need to start desiring what God desires for me and not what I want. It’s time to really lay my life on His alter and submit to my Master’s will and die to self. I don’t want to come home and not have done anything noble for my Lord I want to be used I want to be an instrument that the Lord can use.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive this servant of yours for being so selfish with this life you have given him. Show me how to be an instrument of noble purposes that can be used for your glory.