God’s Patience is Never Ending
Scripture:1 Timothy 1: [16] But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
Observation: We were with friends last night and we were sharing our testimony on how we were in the past. I thought about how terrible I was and how God should have hated me for the way I treated others and how selfish I was. There was no reason in my mind that God shouldn’t have allowed me to end my life the many times I tried. I thought the world would have been better off and it would be one less headache for God. But He knew something I didn’t, that He could use anything and He wanted me, because others may be able to see His undying love and patience without end.
Application: It’s time to use this testimony the Lord has given me to bring others close to God. To show others the man I was and that I deserved no mercy, yet the Lord gave freely to use me to touch their heart. God didn’t give up on me, even when He should have and I should never give up on God and the purpose He has for me.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your mercy and your grace and seeing something in me that I didn’t know existed. Use your servant and the testimony of your love in this undeserving man.