Obeying Should be Easy
Scripture: 1 John 5: [3] This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,
Observation: I know to love God is to obey Him, but I didn’t think that it wasn’t going to be a burden. Everything He asks of me is for my own good and the good of others. and when I’m obedient I feel the Holy Spirit and joy. God has never asked anything that difficult of me and all I need to do is humble myself and put God desires above my own.
Application: God asks so little of me and I need to take this time He has given me to be used for His glory. I need to stay in the word and prayer to know God’s will and do it with a cheerful spirit, a spirit others may see and desire for their own.
Prayer: Dear Lord I owe you everything, yet you ask so little of me. May I always serve you with a cheerful spirit, in a way that pleases you. Please Lord use me until it’s time to come home.