Going Back to the Start
Scripture: Revelations 2 [5] Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Observation: I remember when I first became a Christian all I wanted to do is serve and please God. I wanted to learn all I could and make a difference. I was like a child seeing things for the first time and every day in amazement of the new things I discovered with my new heart. But now it seems to almost be a burden to serve and I make excuses. I don’t see new things, but I am in a rut dreading another passing day, not looking forward to what God has in store for me.
Application: I need to ask God to open my eyes to Hid wonders again. I need to get my zeal for serving back and get on track of what God wants of me. I need to see his miracles every day because He surrounds me with them. It’s time to bear a harvest of fruit in his name. I have the talents, gifts, testimony and strength He has given me and I need to use it to further His kingdom.
Prayer: Dear Lord I repent of my laziness and willingness to allow to Satan destroy my joy. Guard me and walk with me toward the life you have planned for me that I may bear so much fruit that it would feed your angels.