The Will to Enter the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Observation: I call myself a Christian and I will not deny that to anyone. I pray and read my Bible every day and ask God for guidance, but do I do His will? God makes it clear what He desires, but so many times my will prevails over His. My laziness and selfishness gets in the way of doing my best for God. That is what doing the will of God is all about doing our best to honor our Master. God doesn’t ask us to do anything beyond our gifts and abilities, but to do our best in loving and honoring Him.
Application: I need to put God first in my life where He belongs. I need to give God the glory and praise in what He has called me to do in this life. To serve when the opportunities come up and have my eyes open to His will at all times. That a day doesn’t pass that I have peace in my spirit that God is pleased with me for that day.
Prayer: My Father I sit before you as your child wanting to please my Dad. I can’t say I don’t know your desires, because you make them clear each day. Take away any distractions from me and give me the strength and courage to do your will every day. I love you Father, may I live a life pleasing to you.