Something I Can Amaze Jesus With
Scripture: Matthew 6: [6] And he was amazed at their lack of faith.
Observation: The way I live my life, Jesus must be amazed at my lack of faith. The miracles He has worked in my life, yet each day I wake up afraid. I worry about everything it seems and I can’t still my thoughts to focus on what God is trying to say to me. He has pulled me through this life, keeping me safe and yet I don’t seem to trust Him with anything. Why is my faith so weak?
Application: I need to exercise my faith each day, trusting in my Lord and seeing what it is He wants me to do. He has given me the gifts and talents to accomplish His will, I just need the faith to do it. If I just step out in faith God will accomplish whatever He desires, but it takes that first step.
Prayer: My Lord increase my faith that I will trust in you with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways may I acknowledge you and have you make my paths straight.