Help Me Overcome My Unbelief
Scripture: Mark 9:24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
Observation: A day doesn’t go by that my actions don’t proclaim this scripture. Each morning I wake and pray and tell my God how much I love and trust Him. Then as the day goes by I fall into fear and anxiety and my faith weakens as I focus on my life in this world and not my life with God.
Application: I need to focus on my God and not my problems. Remember all the times God has been faithful to me and has gotten me this far. Keep in my heart all the blessings He has given me and feel the love He has for me. Be aware of how I’m feeling at all times and cry out for help when I depend on my strength and not His to get me through.
Prayer: Dear Lord I do love and trust you. Help me overcome my unbelief in those moments when my heart strays from you. Keep me close and aware of your presence.