It’s All God’s
Scripture: Luke 20:25 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
He said to them, “Then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Observation: I still think I deserve things of my own, I owe the government taxes, I pay my bills and to the One I owe everything I give so little. God deserves all my love, praise and obedience, but yet He always seems to take a back seat and gets the leftovers of my life. I take a few moments and pray each day, read my Bible and from time to time will even do an outreach in His name. God asks for only a tithe of all that He has given me and I can’t even do that.
Application: I tithe 10 percent of the money I receive, but the most precious gift God has given me He doesn’t even get 1 percent. Today is my 60th birthday and I’m only here because of the grace of God and I know He desires to use me, but He allows me to make the choices. I really hate free will. I wish He would make me do the things He wants, but what He truly wants is my love and obedience given freely to Him. I don’t know how much longer God will keep me here, but I need to start living for Him and finish this race He started me on.
Prayer: Dear Lord I do love you and want to draw closer to you. I realize everything that I have is a gift from you. Show me know how to multiply your investment in me that I may bring glory to you.