What Am I Shouting?
Scripture: Luke 23: [21] But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
Observation: I wrote something a while ago about the people that must have been there at this time. People who saw the miracles and even those who were healed and ate when Jesus fed the five thousand. They must have heard Him speak, yet no one came to His defense. These were the people Jesus came to save and they have either abandoned Him or were condemning Him. So what about me, what am I doing? Have I abandoned Him with my lack of faith or do I condemn Him with my actions that others see?
Application: I need to stand up for my Lord and Savior who stood up for me with the Father. I need to bear fruit in His name and touch the lives of others with His word. My actions and words need to prove to others that I’m a believer in Christ and the He sits on the throne of my heart and I need to direct others to this very special love that Jesus has for them.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for your love and mercy. Show me how to open my mouth in your defense to your accusers in this world. Give me the wisdom that I will need to say the right words and the courage to stand up against any persecution and show me how to lead others to you.