May I Not Forget His Blessings
Scripture: John 1: [16] From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
Observation: How can I forget all His blessings in my life. Each day it seems all I focus on is my problems and worry about things that might happen. I spend so little time just meditating on the blessings He gives me each day and there are so many I wouldn’t be able to number them. Why am I so bent in being miserable and useless?
Application: I need to cherish each day the blessings I have and even though I can’t I should try to number them: the air in my lungs, my health, the way He meets all of my needs, my beautiful wife, my children, my family, the gifts and talents He has given me, the way I feel when I see the ocean or mountains, the gift of salvation, the people He puts in my path, the joy He puts in my heart when I read His word, my home, the people He surrounds me with, my new family with Teri, my church, my pastor, etc.
Prayer: Dear Lord have me think of these things,” whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Calm my spirit and quiet my mind that I may hear from you.