How Many Times Have I Disowned Jesus?
Scripture: Mark 14:30 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “today–yes, tonight–before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times.”
Observation: I don’t have to say the words, but my actions at times says I don’t know Him. I start my day out praying, but it doesn’t take long before I say something or judge someone in a way that seems as if I don’t know my Lord. Jesus commands that I walk alongside Him and live a life honoring Him and when I don’t I deny Him as my Lord since I disobey Him. I don’t have to say I don’t know Him, but I can act in a way that says the same thing to others.
Application: I’m called to be a light in this world and act as close as I can to Jesus so others may see Him through me. I’m going to speak to a junior high class today at church and share my testimony. This will give me the opportunity to share His love with others. May I represent my Lord and honor Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord. I’m sorry and I ask your forgiveness. Help me speak out boldly of your love and grace and never to deny you again. I need you to be with me and help me through this life and show me how to shine for your glory.