Approved By the Father
Scripture: John 6: [44] “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Observation: I think of all the miracles that I took for granted that led me to Jesus. My Father must have been holding my hand to get me through a life I continued trying to end. He spoke to me when I didn’t know it was Him, guiding me on my most important journey, the journey to eternal life. I think of all the people He involved to get me saved and now it’s my turn to be used by my loving Father.
Application: I know God doesn’t need me to fulfill His purpose in this world, but He wants to use me to fulfill His will. What an honor it is to be able to be used by the Father. Instead of being useless I can be used for the most important mission ever, to help draw others to eternal life. I need to take this honor seriously and get busy listening and doing what my Father desires of me.
Prayer: Dear Father I am not worthy of this honor to be used by you, but please continue to speak to your servant and guide me each day in what you desire of me. I’m here to serve you and complete the task you set before me. Give me strength, courage and wisdom to honor you.