What Jesus As Done in My Life
Scripture: John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Observation: Just what Jesus has done in my life alone will fill a few books. Jesus did so many things when He walked on the earth, but He didn’t stop, He was only getting started. I can look back at miracles that were used to keep me alive, the blessing are too many to number, His edge of protection and mercy of the stories I could tell. This is only in my life can you image all that has been done to each one of His children and those He wanted to become children of His.
Application: I need to realize the miracles God does in my life and thank Him for them. I need to tell others how He has worked in my life, then tell them how He worked when He was here on earth. People need to realize that Jesus is still with us through the Holy Spirit and it’s time to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. I will never be able to tell all the things Jesus did, can’t even come close, but that should never stop me from trying.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your miracles, mercy and love in my life. Direct me to use all that you have given me to bring others closer to you. I’m here as your grateful servant, may I serve you and others you put in my path.