Doing What We Are Designed To Do
Scripture: Acts 6 [2] So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.
Observation: I don’t believe Peter was putting down waiting tables, but that was not what God designed him to do, he was to preach and minister to others. Me on the other hand was created to wait on tables, my gifting was food and organization of those type of events. Yesterday Teri and I did a fund raiser Pasta Dinner. To us it’s nothing since that is what we are gifted to do and we have a tendency to take this gift for granted. Most people that can do something simply just think everyone can, but that’s not the way everyone is gifted.
Application: I need to understand and appreciate the gifts I was given by God and not to look at others and wish I had their gifting. I need to use those talents in God’s service and when I do that He will get the glory. Yesterday after the dinner they called me in and everyone applauded. I pointed to heaven and said He gets the glory, but I could have done so much more. I could have stopped and explained to everyone how God should be getting the applause and not me, because none of us can do anything without Him, but unfortunately I didn’t.
Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to give you the glory by the gifts you have given me. Give me guidance on what to do and help me do it. I owe you everything and there is nothing I have that you haven’t given to me. May my life reflect the love I have for you.