Praying Earnestly
Scripture: Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
Observation: I pray each day, but is it earnestly. I seem to repeat the same words but is it from my heart or my mind. I pray for my family and friends, I thank God for what He has given me and if there is a particular need that I might have a pray for that. I’m not sure if I’m praying because I feel I need to or am I praying to grow closer to God. This is the one thing that God allows me to do to grow closer to Him and to hear Him, but I’m not taking advantage of all that God is offering me.
Application: I need to pray earnestly and confidently that God hears my prayers and He will answer according to His will. I need to come before the Father as a privilege, which is what it is. I’m allowed to speak to the creator of all things and He listens to me, I need to give Him my full attention and not just repeat words, but to express my feelings. May I treat this time as an honor, for which it is.
Prayer: Dear Lord I humbly come before you with thanksgiving. May I empty my cluttered mind of the things of this world and stay focused on you. Please speak to me and guide me on the way you want me to go and may I always receive your answer to my prayers.