Let God Do the Work
Scripture: Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Observation: I will be starting my depression class next Tuesday at the church. All the things that went bad in my life I’m expecting God to use it for good. I feel like I’m going to be used by God in these next few weeks, that I will have a purpose to fulfill by using what God has given me. I truly love God, but I normally live my life so focused on me that it doesn’t show. Hopefully now I’m called according to God’s purpose that I may show others how much I do love God.
Application: Stop being afraid and put myself into this opportunity God has given me. To really put forth the effort and then trust God for the results. Use this class to glorify God and not myself, that I will remain humble and give God all the glory. That others will see the love I have for my Lord and it will draw them closer to Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for all that has happened to me whether it was good or bad and use it now to glorify you. Give me the wisdom and courage to teach your children how much they mean to you. I’m here to serve, show me how to honor you. I do love you, forgive me if I don’t show it.