Heaven Is Worth the Price
Scripture: Acts 14: [22] strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said.
Observation: I can’t say any of the hardships I have gone through compare to what the early church went through. Even in other countries the hardship they must suffer is so much greater than the inconveniences I have as a Christian. A hardship for me is getting off the couch and doing something for the Lord instead of doing something for myself. I should be going through many more hardships then I do to enter the Kingdom of God with honor.
Application: I need to go out of my way to get into His glory. There is so much more that I can be doing. I can go out and evangelize and take the chance that someone might turn me down or be downright rude. What a small price to pay for the kingdom of God. I know I can’t earn a place in heaven, but I can get a better seat, closer to my Lord by using the talents he has given me for his glory.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are worth all that I have and I want to give it to you. Give me the courage and strength to please you and to be willing to go through any hardship to draw nearer to you.