Tested and Approved
Scripture: Romans 16:10 Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ.
Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus.
Observation: I feel I’ve been tested, but not necessarily approved. My life as had its trials and tribulations as everyone else’s has and I have had my moments that God would have approved, but most of the time I went through them in less than a stellar way and not very honoring to God. How great it would be to be approved by God, that I would go through the trials knowing that God is at my side and not to worry but trust in Him.
Application: God has been with me all of my life and He will never leave or forsake me. I need to keep that in my heart and trust Him at all times no matter what I’m going through. No matter what God will work the good in all things. I won’t be here on this earth that much longer and there will be a day that I face my Lord that I would be approved in Christ.
Prayer: My Lord I know there is nothing I can accomplish that is good without you. May I always feel your presence in my life and that no matter what might come along I will stand firm on your promises. I will come out like gold from the refiner and be approved by you when this life is over.