I Wish I Could Say That
Scripture: 1Corinthians 11 [1] Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
Observation: I wish I could tell my children and grandchildren to follow my example. Yes there are a few things I do that honor God, but as for my life that is not an example of following God. At work it would be nice to think that the people who see me can see Christ through my actions and words, but too often I’m sarcastic and short with them. The example I give is not of Christ.
Application: I need to start the day trying to be that example to others. I need to stay in constant prayer and look for ways to be a good example. I need to be alert of the things around me and take advantage of moments to glorify God. I should be filled with His spirit and should constantly ask to be guided. I’m here for a short while and during that time people need to see Jesus play out in my life, I might be their opportunity to see Jesus and help guide them to salvation.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be that example of your Son. Place in my spirit the things of you and take away this bitterness I wrestle with each day. Use me as a guide for those who don’t know you and show me how to lead them to you.