Reflecting the Lord’s Glory
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:[18] And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Observation: Some days I wonder if I’m being transformed to be more like Christ or if I’m drifting away. My heart is to do the will of the Father which is being like Christ so others can see that, but still too often I’m engulfed in this world and worry about myself and the things around me. It’s sad God wants to transform me and I don’t need to do much but sit still and listen to what He desires of me, instead I look away too often and go the way of the world.
Application: I need to focus on my Lord and His desires for my life. He has given me all that I need to show His glory in my life to others. I need to prioritize my life so that God is first and live each day showing His love through my life to others. Time is running out and I have a task to do for my King and that is what my focus should be.
Prayer: My Lord may your glory shine through me to touch others in this place. Help me reach the goal you set before me and to bring others into your Kingdom. I’m your servant, your slave, please command me each day to do your will in my life.